Hi all, I have a list of solid and I want to union them one by one, is there any simply way to achieve it using dynamo?
The node solid.byunion often occurs warning and return “unll” as a result, therefore, I want to do it separately.
The only method I can think of is shown is the diagram but it is not quite possible when there are large number of solids i have to union. Is there any “for loop” in dynamo whcih I can achieve the same?
I have tried solid.byunion before. However, in some cases, warning occurs and the output is “Null” (See Diagram). I want to avoid this from happening. That’s why I intend to union them one by one.
This might be too late, but I had a similar error with the same node (although my error said: “Solid.ByUnion operation failed. Unable union two Solids : INCONS_VERT_ATT – inconsistent information in vertex and coedge attributes”.
I solved it by converting the list of solids into PolySurfaces, then converting those PolySurfaces back into Solids before doing the solid by union node again. I can’t explain why this worked, but might be worth trying if you never resolved your initial question.
If someone else can explain why my solution worked, that would be appreciated. I notice that with some of the lists of solids, additional solids were added. I’m guessing that’s a clue about why this works, but I really don’t know.