Dynamo to tekla

Hi every one. Is there anyone who knows bout connecting dynamo to " Tekla structures" ? dynamo has a Tekla package but is there any help for it? Thanks .

What do you mean ā€˜ā€˜helpā€™ā€™?

I mean how we can use this package for connecting to tekla

Tekla structures the fabrication software or tekla structures the designers software?

and also see here https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=tekla+and+dynamo&oq=tekla+and+dynamo&aqs=chrome..69i57.3080j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

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Thank you . Excuse meā€¦ Itā€™s Fabrication software not a designer one.

Hi @khalili_masoomeh

Are you trying to export Geometry from dynamo to Tekla or import?

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we want to export from dynamo to Tekla.

Have you tried using a little light googling?
Using around 2 min i found:



The video shows a POC but the DynamicTekla package doesnā€™t seem to be downloadable.
In any case, the import process in tekla is feasible.

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Yes I watched this video at first time i searched about below 1 min ā€¦, but the question is how you can download this package -dynamic Tekla-?

Think it is one of the packages that will cost you $$ as far as I can read from the website they refer to:

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Maybe, i visited the site but there isnā€™t enough information about it .i sent an email but i didnā€™t receive answer from themā€¦ there is a package in dynamo different from dynamic tekla but it seems not completed bcs there is no bake or run function ā€¦

Do you need interaction with Revit for your project?

If not, Iā€™d recommend trying out Grashopper, as the two actually have a link enabled and you donā€™t have to jump through quite as many hoops. :slight_smile:

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Yes exactly youā€™re right. but for having this plugin for connecting tekla and grasshopper you should bought the Tekla software From an organization of Tekla in your country i think and there isnā€™t an organization like that in my country so i cannot have the maintenance account in Tekla website to buy that link for grasshopper & Tekla. for this reason I try to connect dynamo and tekla.

Thank you . Yes this package is not downloadable. Dynamo itsef has a package named tekla but i doā€™nt know how it works.

I cannot find a package for dynamo named ā€œteklaā€ can you post a link/screenshot/other

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sure i will. :wink:

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In the package manager, the tekla package is tagged obsolete so I donā€™t think it will be very useful.

in the package search you search for tekla and you can install this package.

I think youā€™re mistaking ā€œpackageā€ with ā€œnodesā€ what you are searching in is the nodes contained in the packages which you have installed locally on your computer, not a package, packages would be found in the ā€œpackageā€ tab in the top under ā€œmanage packagesā€


This is the only option I can find searching for ā€œteklaā€ packages.

You can consider contacting the developer of this solitary node?

BUT if tekla, like Revit or Robot etc has an open API you can, if you have sufficient coding skills use the interop of tekla in either C# or python for carrying out mostly everything, though it will require quite a lot of you.

If you only have those four packages to work with you might be very limited in what you can do, as one gets data from tekla to dynamo, one can create curves from tekla geometry in dynamo, one i guess can feed back data to tekla and one is filtering data by levels, so depending on how advanced what you want to do is then the best advice I can offer is: learn by doing, you will learn the packages only by using them :slight_smile:

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