Dynamo to tekla

If you’re willing to pay for it, Konstru has a decent plugin available for Dynamo that let’s you interacts with its cloud plattform. They have versioning control and compatibility with these softwares:

Check this also: https://konstru.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/115006196487-Supported-Elements-Matrix



thanks for answers. you’re right ,i will contact the developer.

thanks for answer,:slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face: i will try it .

Tekla does have a pretty good API. It takes a little work but it is possible to code up some Python to link up Revit and Tekla (if you don’t want to go the Konstru route). See link below - all done with stock Dynamo nodes and Python Script nodes.


it’s Amazing!!! can you please explain more about python script nodes or is there any tutorial for it?

The primer is a good place to start.


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Thank you so much.

you mean Tekla API can work with Python?

Yep. It works pretty much the same way the Revit API works in PythonScript nodes (which is actually IronPython…)

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Thanks for answer,I have a question, If i model a project in Revit, For taking my model to Tekla i should learn Tekla API too ,Yes?

if you want to use Dynamo as the intermediary to link Revit and tekla, then you will have to use the Tekla API to write the scripts to be able to essentially rebuild the model in Tekla. Much in the same way that if you want to do something using Dynamo in Revit that does not already have a node available, you need to use the Revit API.

it’s all a question of how much time you are willing to invest to learn something new.

If all you want is your revit project opened in Tekla though - you could just IFC it into Tekla…

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Yes I want to take my model to Tekla and work on it or prepare drawings of it. but in IFC format all parts of the model like contour plates,columns, beams or any other parts of the model will be intelligent in Tekla? i mean Tekla can identify all parts of the file in IFC format and we can have drawings of that or it will miss some parts of the model?

Hi Khalili,

If you’re consering using Grasshopper or IFC from Revit to exchange to Tekla, my Geometry Gym developments might help. I have a standalone GH addon to generate Tekla parts and relationships with no requirement of having Tekla installed. You can export to an intelligent IFC file which the fabricator can import, probably with my IFC importer for Tekla. Or if you generate a Revit model from dynamo and export to IFC, then it’s worth testing my more sophisticated IFC importer. It operates much faster than the Tekla implementation and converts features or aspects that are not implemented in that.

Get in touch if you need help, they can be downloaded from http://www.geometrygym.com/downloads


Hi Mr Mirtschin
Thank you for answering, Now i visit your website, i think I understand what you are talking about. sure it will help me so much,I will download and install both Geometry gym for Grasshopper to Tekla & RevitIFC and will contact you again. :slightly_smiling_face:


How can we control Konstru units in Dynamo? My script is all in ft but the Konstru component thinks it’s dm - aka it reads 200ft like 200dm.

Thank you,

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