Dynamo to Revit Family Display

I created a dynamo script to export a SAT file to revit. The family appear in Dynamo but in relives a small slice that appears.

Likely the SAT isn’t valid for importing at this scale or in general. What do you get if you import the same SAT manually?

I get the whole family

it appears like this

Is that the Dynamo geometry preview or the .sat file imported directly into a Revit family using the standard user interface (i.e. don’t use any Dynamo)?

If it’s the import in the Revit user interface can you post the SAT and the DYN so the larger community can try and identify what the issue is?

xINTERNETENx2020082813443-H.sat (5.0 MB)
convert SW vers Revit sans rotation.dyn (19.9 KB)
Attached is the SAT and Dynamo

I’m going to assume you want one family with all the SAT parts, in which case you need to do a few things.

  1. Scale up the geometry of the solid. Dynamo is going to use the project units for import, and the default metric generic model family template uses MM as the units. As such each unit in your SAT is a millimeter, so your entire assembly was about 0.63mm which seemed not right. As that likely isn’t intended, so I assumed you wanted a scale of 1000 into your Geometry.Scale node, giving a maximum dimension of 0.63m, with a height of 0.398m.

  2. If the SAT file has many parts you need to union them into a single solid via a Solid.Union node, or provide a unique name for each solid. For the later changing the name input to something like "part name"+(List.Count(partsList)); and wiring the list of solids and names into the node should work, but you might want to set the part name portion via something like the SAT name.

That said your geometry isn’t going to work with this method, as the incoming SAT geometry isn’t suitable for Revit geometry creation after scaling (the co-edges don’t seem to align after scaling, exporting to a new SAT (how the method you’re using works) and importing that into Revit. This is due to a floating point issue on the Nurbs curves, but I can’t confirm. That said this is an extra five to ten steps.

Instead look into alternative import methods here. I recommend using some Python to iterate over the assumed list of SAT files to generate a family and use the import method in each family document. If you only have a single SAT, start a family and manually use the import method (beware such a white whale).