Dynamo Studio, Can i change the Core?


can i drive dynamo studio in the latest version like: Dynamo Core 2.0.5, Dynamo Studio 2.0.0 ?
Or want it anymore developed?




So, as you maybe know, the appropriate core now comes with the appropriate Revit version… If you want a more recent core you need to upgrade your Revit, so that you know it has been properly tested. For the most recent core, that will be ahead of the Revit implementation.

John Pierson hacked his way to do it, but obviously it is not officially supported… I think if you google around you can find his method.



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I have differnt versions i mean 2: 1.3.4 and 2.0.4. so you mean i can just deal with copy a folder? like 2.0.?


1.3… Old Skool :wink:

Sorry I maybe didn’t understand you… Are you just dealing with Sandbox, or are you wanting Dynamo Revit?

If just Sandbox, that should just download and run? I think I needed 7zip to unzip it, but otherwise it should be straight forward?



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yes, we have a project with 2018.3.3. all scripts from the previous BIM-Manger written in 1.3.4. (it is a lot)
We create also Scrips in 2.0.4.
I want use a more recent version of Revit. But Client and project leaders,… it is a long story :slight_smile:

does sandbox work with dynamo-studio? or a older version with 2018.3.3

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So I think you have to stick with 2.0.4 with Revit 2018…

If you want 2.1, you must upgrade to Revit 2019, and so on.

As I said above… JP has hacked more recent versions of the Core into the Revit version he was using, but it is not officially supported.

Is there particular functionality which you need?



dicctionaries f.e. … … some pythonstuff does not work.

and the syntex is in studio littly different. What is the sence dynamostudio? and why it does not develop anymore?


Do you want to post something which is failing? Then we can have a look at it? Or do you have lots of graphs which have problems?

So Dynamo Core runs Sandbox… That has the most up to date Core. That used to be called Studio I think.

Dynamo Revit lags slightly behind… Everytime Revit is released, it gets a more recent version of Core…

Now, people don’t get an option when they open Revit, it just opens the version of Dynamo which is shipped with it.

Hopefully that makes sense?



[] vs {}

my post from list comprehensions

I like to experiment in Studio without accessing any Project, i am still learning

I always thought Dynamo-studio was another puppy all together.
How about Dynamo-Cli (Command Line Interface), ever heard of that? or how to use it?


There are three types of Dynamo.

  1. Sandbox: This is Dynamo Core, and has no direct integration with a host app. As such it cannot access Revit. To use the geometry engine you need to have another Autodesk application installed (not necessarily activated) on the system which has the geometry library.
  2. Dynamo Integrations: These are the hosted versions of Dynamo which are tied into another application. They include Dynamo for Revit, Dynamo for Alias, Dynamo for FormIt, Dynamo for Civil 3D, and anything else that you refer to as ‘Dynamo for _______’. They require installation and activation of the host application and in some cases the Dynamo integration as well (as was the case with Revit 2019 and prior versions).
  3. Dynamo Studio: This is a paid version of Dynamo, which has some extra tools for imports, exports, and the like. It comes with the geometry engine so you don’t need another software installation to use geometry portions. It has not been updated since 2016 when Dynamo Studio 2017 came out. I believe that the latest version is 1.3.4.

Dynamo CLI and ‘headless’ versions of Dynamo such as Dynamo Player are different ways to access the 3 types options above.


Thank you @jacob.small

About the CLI, what is possible and when does one use it?
Do you have any scenarios?

I haven’t personally played with this you can read about it here: Dynamo Command Line Interface · DynamoDS/Dynamo Wiki · GitHub

Basically you can tell your CPU to open Dynamo, have Dynamo to open a specified graph, and execute the graph.

As far as ‘why’ you’d want to do this:

  1. It’s cool
  2. Running a graph repeatedly to find an optimal set of inputs
  3. Running a bunch of graphs in sequence
  4. Testing your customizations and updates
  5. Writing another application to do all of the above
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