Dynamo selection error: selection is disabled when dynamo run is disabled

hello, Im trying to select a point from Revit and I get a notification that says: selection is disabled when dynamo run is disabled.
How can I enable it?

Can you post a screenshot of the current graph? My gut says you will need to trust the location which the graph is saved but I can’t confirm without seeing the issue.

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so this is the situation
I’m trying to select this point but the selection is disabled

The run has started, You need to set the graph to manual and select before running the graph

I tried to set the graph to manual but the selection is still disabled

Could you provide another screenshot?

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I think (assume) you cant select anything as you are in editor mode in Revit.
Can you select an element when you first close the Mass editor in revit?


yes I can select elements after closing it

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