Dynamo problem: nodes are not visible, dynamo is very slow and functions are frozen

I’ve found having CTC-BIM Tool installed stops this from working.

To get around this I when in to the ProgramData/Autodesk/Revit/Addins/[Revit Version]/

created a folder call [Not Loaded]

and moved the CTC-BIM-Manager-Suit.addin file in to the “Not Loaded” folder I just created.

I then re-loaded Revit and everything worked OK

Running Revit 2022

In my company, we encountered the same problem. This came from an application developed by an external publisher and which used the same tables as dynamo. The publisher has therefore modified its table and sent a new version of the software. Dynamo worked properly again. We didn’t need to uninstall and reinstall Revit.