Is there any change in the dynamo primer web site address.? I am always getting this image…since last 2 days!!
Working ok here. You may be passing in www. and not need it.
Hi @kraftwerk15,
You are right…I tried with this address - “http://dynamoprimer.com/en/” and the home page is appearing as shown.
But once I click any topic I am getting this Image.
Just tested on my end and all pages are functioning for me in Chrome in session and in incognito.
I can confirm that I see the same message when operating in Edge.
Hi @kraftwerk15,
Unfortunately this is the image with chrome…
Looks like a persistent issue for me as well. I’ve already informed the authorities so hopefully we’ll see something shortly. Sorry for any inconvenience.
Try this link:
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Hi @jacob.small,
Thank you for that link. It is working…:!!
Everyone update your bookmarks.
I Just updated…