hello, Dynamo developers. I just find that I could not download any product of Dynamo from its website, no matter the latest vision 2.1 or the old one. I have checked my account, there is nothing wrong with it. Can I have some technical support? Thanks a lot.
Thank you for your reply. Actually, I have tried to download Dynamo from this website. It first went well, but then it will interrupt automatically and not be able to work anymore. It looks like this, and I have no idea about this problem which also happened to all my download of Dynamo products.
I tested my account and internet by downlaoding other products from autodesk and had no problem with that.
Are you trying download from your office or home?
as by chance
I still have a wetransfer that is valid
From my home, will this be a problem? Other products of Autodesk I download are all from my home.
so i should download via this app instead of chrome browser itself?
Try a different browser.
thank you so much, my problem has been solved.
sorry for the inconvenience that I may bring, may I ask do you have refinery package for dynamo? Because I also have the problem with its download.
i am not sure if they are the same, i try to download the refinery beta from the dynamo website. but has the same problem, inturrupted somehow.
sorry I do not have this package
thank you anyway, i will keep looking for the solution
Are you behind a VPN? Did you try another browser? Are you sure you aren’t losing internet connection?
No, I am in Tokyo, Japan, do not need VPN.
I have tried to download with both google browser and microsoft browser, but neither of them could work. I tested my internet connection by download other products from Autodesk like revit and cad, it worked well.
Only donwload from the Dynamo website occurs the problem. Also I tried to relog in, but still have the same problem.
I shutted down my windows defender and tried again but it seems like it isn’t the problem.
The Error website is like this, I am not sure I understand it.
Refinery is a view extension for multi-output optimization using a genetic algorithm to allow for generative design using Dynamo.
See here for more info: Project Refinery updates! - Dynamo BIM
Sounds like the request is just taking too long to finish. What type of internet connection do you have?
I am using wireless internet at home.
Try a wired connection. Your router may be overloaded.
my problem has been solved, thank you so much for your kind and patient reply