Dynamo Player stays loaded

We have some scripts that we run in Civil 3D using a button on a ribbon (to improve discoverability and ease of use) using AECCRUNDYNAMOSCRIPT. This has been working great, but if the user runs a script from Dynamo Player at all during the Civil 3D session, they will get an error “The script could not run because Dynamo is currently open. Close Dynamo and run the script again.” when running a script using AECCRUNDYNAMOSCRIPT.

How can we make sure Dynamo is unloaded after closing Dynamo Player? I don’t see any additional processes for Dynamo in Task Manager.

Two things can cure this when it happens. Either open Dynamo Editor and close it, or close/re-open Civil 3D. So, this appears to be a issue specific to Dynamo Player.

Video Demo

I get the same behavior on my end and can’t come up with any other solution beyond what you mentioned.

I think this deserves a new issue on GitHub.

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