Dynamo Package Preference

Wondering if anyone experienced the same situation as me:

I set my preference package path in Dynamo, but when I used revit batch processor to batch run the script for multiple models, the scripts failed. When I checked the preference setting, the package path was reset automatically to the default user path.

In fact, in previous months i did the same without this accident happening and all scripts went smoothly.

Probably best logged as an issue on the batch processor github, but it makes sense to enforce a workable path I think.

Most users and developers have suggested to me not to change the package path in Dynamo, especially not to a server hosted location.

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Some notes:

  1. If at any point Dynamo can not find the path in question, then it will be removed.

  2. If you remove a default path it will be automatically re-added at next launch.

  3. Dynamo touches the preferences file on each open, and again on close. No changes are saved in between.

Now I haven’t looked at this particular tool in ages so I can’t speak directly to it, but I am happy to speak around the generalizations.

The way some automation tools run you’re apt to get concurrent access to a file. That can prevent loading as per #1, which means if a ‘clean close’ is performed by the automation tool it will be reset to the default state.

Other automation tools will use Journal Playback, and that journal can cause ‘dirty’ closes followed too closely by new opens, which can break the file causing a reset.

Some activities can put invalid characters into the journal (i.e. ending a path with an escape character), which will break the file causing a rest.

Lastly some tools will use the preferences to load up stuff to run in a particular way, and if the original preferences or the update are invalid you’ll get broken preferences which will trigger the reset.

FWIW the Dynamo MiltiPlayer from Bird Tools doesn’t seem to have such issues.

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