Dynamo library is not displayed

You updated the way Dynamo for Revit executes. This is unsupported and may cause issues which put Dynamo and Revit into an unstable state.

I would recommend undoing it and disabling all your Revit add-ins instead to see if that resolves the problem.

I understand. Thank you for answering.I tried disabling all Revit add-ins (apart “EnergyAnalysis” that makes definitely Revit crashing when disabled) and the result is always the same. No library searching window…It’s so boring…I can’t fnd any solution…

Can you provide a Revit journal after attempting to disable all add-ins? The ones from the crashing sessions should do.

Here are the journals of the Revit’s crashing session (all addins disabled)

journal.0097.worker1_Crash.txt (11.6 KB) journal.0097_Crash.txt (127.8 KB)

Still shows a good number of other add-ins enabled, including Parameter Organizer, checker, and others. Make sure everything is disabled.

Dynamo_Console .txt (4.8 KB) journal.0117.txt (88.8 KB) journal.0117.worker1.log.txt (18.5 KB) Hi,
Thank you for helping
I still have the problem.
I succeded in disabling every plug in (using Stantec Addin Manager) apart Dynamo Plug in
The problem remains

Here are the log and the error message in the Dynamo consol.

I hDynamo_Console .txt (4.8 KB) journal.0117.txt (88.8 KB) ope you can help.


@Michael_Kirschner2 any ideas on this one? No add-ins at all, yet CEF is getting a load error (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800700C1).

  1. is this machine running a 64bit version of windows?
  2. does this machine have an x64 processor?
  3. can you try installing: The latest supported Visual C++ downloads - one of the x64 redis packs for 2015 - 2019.
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actually - for this old version of Dynamo please try:

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FWIW the Revit journal indicate the processor as Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10750H CPU @ 2.60GHz which would be 64 bit.

yes this machine is new and runs x64 bit
I tried repairing, uninstalling and reinstalling the c ++ 2013 Pack and the error is still there (with all plug in disabled excepted Dynamo)
No library.