Dynamo in-place mass?

Hey guys, noob here, I can use Dynamo massing components in a conceptual mass but can’t do the same within a Revit project with in-place mass enables? Am I missing something?

I’ve solved my issue in the workflow by using a “select face” component, all is well, thanks! :slight_smile:

but still can’t create reference points from scratch or anything… I’ve read in a Zach Kron topic that it’s a “fundamental API issue”, is that fixed by now? anything? Thanks!


Like in any other addin that runs on top of Revit, you are bound by the limitations of the Revit API:

  • No programmatic access to in-place families (masses and other categories alike)

  • That includes creating divided surfaces outside of a mass (you can use Dynamo to do that within a loadable conceptual mass family, though, as you already noticed)

  • No reference points in the project environment

Alright, thanks a lot for the reply.

Hi Everyone,

Thank you for the answer.
Is the above answer still applicable in 2022?
I am looking for the same thing. Push geometry form dynamo to an in-place mass to not lose the in-place modelling flexibility and context, like in a conceptual mass family.

Kind regards,


As far as I’m aware we’ve had no development in the Revit API for inplace massing. Most workflows still rely on direct shape and/or freeform components.