Dynamo in different languages

Hi all,

I’m getting back into Dynamo after 2 years off… aside from adjusting to new nodes and API, I’m now using Revit in French and will be writing scripts for french users.

What’s the best way to write scripts to adjust to this? Getting started I see Category.ByName doesn’t exist anymore and the Category scroll node is stable?

Thanks in advance.

Category.ByName exists just fine on my end - were you upgradig an old graph and were using a version in a package perhaps?

I assume this is the dropdown; it should be stable in the same Revit Version and the same language. If you bounce between languages or versions Name will be more stable, but I don’t recommend either of those. Author graphs once per language, save as for localization efforts (langauge changes) and save as again for each Revit version.

Hi Jacob,

Thank you. Yes I found the node in the end… got turned around. And noted re languages, exactly what I wanted to know. Ok, I’ll be in french for now…this’ll help my french level too.

I REALLY wish that some of our products were localized to Swedish… my language lessons are falling behind again. :rofl:

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It does help. Get Geopold from youtube to spread the word?

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