Category.ByName in german language version shows wrong category


in German language version of Dynamo 2.16 Category.ByName of “Ebenen” (levels) shows not “levels” but “Adaptive Punkte - Ebenen” (Adaptive working level).

Can Category.ByName be used with “OST_…” only?

Best regards

Rolf ,

maybe that helps…

Update your Revit to the latest release, and you should be ready. This was a known issue on the initial release of 2023

I have been using Category.ById lately as the string version is not consistent enough for my needs.

Hello John,

thank you very much for the information.

The good news: so the Revit 2023.1.1 update will fix the problem and the dyn scripts do not need to be changed!

The bad news: I could not install the update Revit 2023.1.1. So wait until the next issue.

Is “OST_” possibly the most stable solution for a long time?

Best regards


I can’t really say for sure. But it seems like it might be as @Andreas_Dieckmann indicated in that other thread.