Erestion_Sequencing_Script_V2.dyn (237.3 KB)
Hi Everyone…this is my dynamo script that which crashed for some reason…can some one please suggest a way to recover it. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Erestion_Sequencing_Script_V2.dyn (237.3 KB)
It should be saved in your backup files which can be found on the home screen in the bottom left area.
Unfortunately I saved this crashed file two or three times…now even the backup file is also crashing…
is there any other ways
I assume youre in automatic mode. Open it in an empty model so that most inputs feed through null, or open the file in notepad and there should be a token for manual/automatic mode you can change if it is crashing due to automatic mode on script open.
There is also a checkbox for ‘open in manual execution mode’ on the open dialog.
Sorry for the late reply…I have tried all of the above and even tried opening the script in notepad and tried to fix it…unfortunately nothing worked I had to recreate the whole script from scratch…Thanks for the help…
Save regularly and avoid automatic mode in future i guess. A lesson dynamo usually teaches us the hard way…
I always work in manual execution mode…I have learned the lesson already…
…Thanks for the help…