Dynamo Curved Floor Plan

@Kai…I am getting an error here…what tolerance are you using? This is the PolyCurve.ByJoinedCurves node version I have:

@Kai…Got it, it was my number of point divisions. Minimum is 4.

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Hi @asiric805 here is another way…probably not so good as Kais great way ;)but could probably work as well


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Thanks @sovitek :+1: Can you post the image?

Yes sure :wink:

Home forum.dyn (38.5 KB)

ps even-odd node is from spring

here if you want filled on corners…


Thanks @sovitek :ok_hand:

@sovitek, @Kai: With the above dynamic cross-section, how do you create a tall building from 3 sections - at the bottom, mid-point and top

Hi please create a new topic…think the original already have an answer…another thing please read how to get help topic…https://forum.dynamobim.com/t/how-to-get-help-on-the-dynamo-forums/4677....specially number 7…