DynaMEP - Element.SetParameterValueByName

Hi guys,
There is some issue with the node “Element.SetParameterValueByName” form Package DynaMEP. The ElementId (Parameter storage types) is not working well with this Node.
For example, If I want to change an Element Level, this Node gives me a Null output with no change at all.
The output is always returned as NULL. Is this a known bug in this node?
FYI, I’m using Revit 2023.1.5.

yeah guess Dynamep havent been maintained for long time…give error here as well for that node…could OOTB work for you ?

The ootb node should work fine. When providing a value for an Element(Id) parameter in Dynamo, you actually want to provide the element object (not the ElementId). The API requires the ElementId, but Dynamo typically uses the element itself and makes the API conversion in the background.