Dyn Open AI - Bringing OpenAI/ ChatGPT to Dynamo

Make sure your free tokens arent expired from here [OpenAI Platform]

Did you manage to make it work Sherif? you can post here if you still need help.

why it didnt work?

Complete newbie to OpenAI here, I’m getting an error (429) too many requests.
Revit 2023, Dynamo 2.16

hi @iref3at ,

Am i doing something wrong?

Hi Dear
Does it only code? or it acts it self to make or handle model or data?
and i got 404 error

I recommend you and anyone else having issues with this lodges it as an issue to the project’s github. It doesn’t look like the author is replying to queries here anymore:


for info the model code-davinci-002 has been obsolete


while waiting for the package to be updated you can try using HTTP requests

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is dyn open ai package specifically designed for helping Dynamo code builders?
I tried to use Google gemini and Microsoft Edge copilot to help me with my dynamo projects.
The Dynamo nodes provided by Google Gemini and Microsoft Edge copilot do not exist.
If I install dyn open AI package in my dynamo, will the package help me to find the right dynamo nodes?
Please kindly answer my questions.
If you need further clarifications on my questions, please feel free to let me know.
Thank you very much for your time

Sorry, I used Microsoft Edge copilot and Google gemini, Both of them never ask me for tokens, the tokens you mentioned in your chat, do we need to pay for the tokens?

If yes, where and how we can purchase the tokens? Are they expensive?


Probably, it will not help you as you expected. The best way to find out what node you need is to ask google. It will direct you to the forum discussions. You can learn by looking at other examples. Dynamo Dictionary will be also helpful if you search what you want to achieve:

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Best way to decipher what nodes you want are to leverage the following bf tools in order:

  1. The map or plan you built before starting any work in Dynamo.
  2. Your own knowledge.
  3. Existing forum posts and examples.
  4. A new forum post where you ask for guidance, not a completed tool.
  5. The machine learning powered AutoComplete feature.

#1 is the first ‘artifact’ you should create when building a graph for a new task. It consists of writing down what steps you have to take to accomplish a given task, not the nodes themselves. So if you wanted to place structural framing to build the roof your map might start something like this:

  • Get the roof surface
  • Identify the primary axis
  • Generate the curves for the main beams on the primary axis
  • Create the main beams from the curves
  • Layout the rafter curves between the main beams
  • Create the rafters from the curves

You can then concentrate on finding what node comes next within each step or task.

#2 isn’t easy to build, but it will come with time and practice. The primer is a great first step to build such knowledge. As is experience in general.

#3 consists of using the search here. Google can also work but you can find a lot of ‘buy this’ or GPT/AI generated garbage too.

#4 is when you ask for help building your plan or with a particular step in your plan. Be sure to provide the context, plan, dynamo graph as it stands, and a sample data set. Otherwise your question may not get much of a response.

#5 is enabled in your Dynamo preferences. You will then be able to double click on a node’s input or output to leverage a tailored search or find what the ‘most likely’ next node in the sequence is. This is based on a massive data set of graphs from around the globe, so it’s Dynamk specific.


Generally any AI that you want to customize or access via API will cost you money. It’s the future, and it is unlikely to change unfortunately.

ChatGPT token pricing as an example:

A typical query for a paragraph or so is around 5k tokens I’ve been told, so you’re looking at around 10-20c per query on average or thereabouts. I believe you might need to pay a monthly access fee as well if you want to use the API key.

I got this error

The remote server returned an error: (404) not found

in the openai.chatgpt node.

please help

See Cyril’s post before, it’s unlikely this package will work until it is updated and you are using your own API-key.

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I am already using time dyn open AI package 1.1.0

I think it is already updated And I was Using my own API key too, Please kindly tell me what else can I do in order to make this chat gpt work in my dynamo?

Thanks, gideon