Dutch Dynamo User Meeting @ Groosman, Rotterdam, Netherlands. Januari 19th 2016
Apply in a reaction below, just to make sure there’ll be room for everyone.
See you here!
Ekko Nap
Dutch Dynamo User Meeting @ Groosman, Rotterdam, Netherlands. Januari 19th 2016
Apply in a reaction below, just to make sure there’ll be room for everyone.
See you here!
Ekko Nap
Count me in.
Hi Marcel, Great! That brings to attendance to 10 or so, most of them per direct invitation. Contact me for the details. Still room for a few more!
Update: it looks like we are at capacity (about 16 participants) for this first meeting. Keep responding to this thread if you’d like to be invited next time!
Participating companies:
Groosman, Broekbakema, Ector Hoogstad, Roosros, Multical, Deerns, IMd, Aronsohn, B+M.
If a participant cancels I’ll reach out as well.
Watch for the hashtag #DDUM on twitter!
5th of April, 2nd meetup of the Dutch Dynamo User Group, such as it is. This edition is hosted by IMd, www.imdbv.nl. Capacity greatly extended, some speakers arranged! See you there!
#DDUG, #DuchtDynamoUserGroup
If possible I would like to attend. What time?
Excellent question! You’ll fit right in! I did not get an exact time from Arnout at IMd, but it does not hurt to get there early. They do a great lunch. Placing is not as tight as it was at the first event, so consider this your seat confirmation.
Edit: Turns out I did get an exact time. 13:30, and you’ll be late for dinner
I do know that the meeting is scheduled for the afternoon. Say 13:30. I’ll ask Arnout and post here.
13:30 it is.
Is there an echo in here? Anyway: Since the last Dutch Dynamo User Group meeting, the Dutch Revit User Group Revit GG has offered to help us increase the reach of our communications, and integrate our efforts with those of the Revit GG community. If you are interested in attending, and in remaining in the loop on further Dutch Dynamo User Group activities, I would like to ask you to fill in this form, if you have not done so already on some other invitation.
Notes for attending the next meeting:
Please note in the form field for ‘opmerking’ what versions of Revit en Dynamo you bring with you.
Please make sure you have installation rights on the hardware you bring.
Prior knowledge to help in following the conversations is available in the Dynamo primer. Presentation language will presumably be in Dutch.
The keynote on april 5th will be about List handling. Find an example in Dynamo at the location indicated in the image below. Remember to click ‘Run’, and to turn on the ‘Array’, the product of a Node, to gain a better insight in what is going on, see image below.
To really come prepared, try to make a variation on the three ‘lacing’ functions where you make a double list of points, while still keeping these two list separate in each function. It does not matter whether you succeed or not, anything you learn along the way is a bonus. See you in three weeks!
Nice meeting yesterday! I participated in the group about sustainability (duurzaamheid). We discussed about ways to get the window surface per room. I think I found a way, but didn’t keep track of the persons in the group. How will we proceed?
Third Dutch Dynamo User Group Meetup! 17th of june in Velp, the ABT office, 14:00 till late. Subscribe and view the program here!
twitter #DutchDynamoUserGroup
14:00 - Inloop & ontvangst
14:30 - Presentaties
Welkom door ABT
Case Studie ABT
Presentatie Lauren Schmidt (LandarchBIM)
16:00 - Indeling Challenges
16:15 - Uitwerken Cases
17:30 - Break
18:00 - Uitwerken Cases
19:00 - Feedback presentaties
20:00 - afsluiting
Hi everyone!
Are there any Dynamo User Meetings in 2017/2018 being planned?
Early days yet, but I do think we can squeeze out at least one more this year. Keep an eye on www.revitgg.nl