Dynamo Day: Hackathon - Day before DevCon2025 Amsterdam

Attention dynamo folks! :raised_hands:

We’re excited to host the “Dynamo Day Hackathon” the day before the Autodesk Platform Services DevCon in Amsterdam! :star_struck: :laptop:

The Computational Design and Automation group at Autodesk is eager to see you push dynamo to new heights. Create extensions, plugins, and innovative solutions while collaborating with a community of brilliant minds :nerd_face:. This in-person event is your chance to enhance workflows, explore new ideas, and interact with Autodesk experts.

While DevCon isn’t mandatory, it’s an event you won’t want to miss. Join us for a day of hacking, learning, and fun! Save the date and let’s make magic happen!

  • When: Monday, 19th May, 2025 (Day before DevCon) :date:
  • Who: All of you, hopefully! :point_down:
  • Why: To push the boundaries of Dynamo and learn from the best! :fast_forward:
  • What: You’re choice as a team! :sunglasses:
  • Duration: 8 Hours; 8:30am (With doors open at 8am) until 4:30pm.
  • Number cap: ~100-120 attendee’s.

Come hack together in-person to create new apps, build upon pre-existing workflows, explore new ways of thinking, and talk with some of the experts who built the Autodesk tools!

Sign-up link: https://forms.gle/Vhf2dwChUhWwt8Hx7

Information and Updates:


  • Location is still to be confirmed but should be at the DevCon venue (Beurs van Berlage), or within walking distance of it.
  • We will send out information with the direct location and room details as soon as that is locked in.


  • Doors will open at 8:00am.
  • Event will kick-off at 8:30am with a presentation for ~30 minutes, including a restatement of the Hackathon goals, judging and other FAQs.
  • Hacking will run from 9:00am until 4:30pm, giving you almost eight (8) full hours to create something awesome!
  • Group presentations will run from 4:30pm until 5:00pm – allotted time TBD based on Group volume but expect only a couple of minutes.
  • Winners will be announced at 5:00pm, with prizes for: 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place, as well as “Most Innovative” and “Most fun” spot prizes.
  • There will be a social event with drinks from 5:30pm for a couple of hours. More details to come on that.

Hackathon Theme:

This year’s theme encourages participants to explore the limitless possibilities of Dynamo combined with Autodesk Platform Services. Dive into innovative integrations and interoperable workflows, pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in the Design and Make industry. Here are some exciting suggestions of what you can work with:

  • Dynamo as a Service in Forma Beta
  • Data Exchange & AEC Data Model
  • Autodesk Platform Services
  • Design Automation for Revit
  • Graph Engine Node
  • Any new toys from Dynamo team that are under development

Laptop Requirement:

We will not be providing any laptops or computers for the event, as this is a bring your own. So please come armed with your thoughts, your ideas and your laptop!


That looks awesome. If only I could persuade my boss to pay for me to go. :cry:


It’s only 3.5 hours from London by train :roll_eyes: And would increase your knowledge a lot to help improve the strength of your business! :pray:


True… but I don’t live anywhere near London :joy:

Out of interest, what time would it start?

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I may show up
(main interest is Sandbox Packages like DynaShape and beyond)


To avoid confusion, this is not, I repeat not, the route to the DevCon location:

Now no one can say they are lost :stuck_out_tongue:


Hey - don’t knock the scenic route!


We’ll lock in those details closer to the time, but something similar to AU, which was around 8am doors open, and 8:30am kick-off!

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Whoah… early :smiley:

And… roughly what’s the likely finish time?

In order to reach decent outcomes you really need time :hourglass: Most Hackathons span 48 hours for this reason; enough time to do wonderful things, but also short enough to force action.

For this Hackathon we’ll only have a day, and it will wrap up just before DevCon kicks off. So final time around 4-4:30pm on the day. Again, will send all this out and update the post above :smiley:


Thanks. :slight_smile:


great event…thx…i will try take my car…so if someone from dk or south sweden will join and share good company on the way ;)…you are welcome to pm me :wink: :wink:


Great @sovitek
I have pushed this forward to my bosses. I will IM you regarding the outcome.


I might be able to be in person this time, not like the one I had to miss in San Diego, to then find out that my team won! :slight_smile:


In-person better than not being there for sure :wink: Will be awesome to have you there Cesare!

Something like a Free Form Package (or faking it?) :slight_smile:

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Okay, I signed up :grimacing:

Do I have to buy a hoodie sweater or do we get one from Autodesk?


We’ll figure out some swag :smiley: At the very least stickers, but can look into others.


Merch… “Bring it on” :slight_smile: