Duplicate Technical Elevs.dyn (35.7 KB)
In this simple script, I am trying to duplicate some specific views and set a couple of parameters for view folder organisation. When I do it the first time, it all works perfectly well. E.g. I do this on “BLOCK R”. But when I then amend the script to do “BLOCK S”, it does the duplication and amends the parameters, but then it DELETES the previous Block S views.
The last boolean before the duplicateview node is completely correct with the Block S view to duplicate, so I really don’t understand why the previous ones are deleted.
Can anyone shed any light on this please ?
Sounds like an issue with Element Binding. Review the linked post closely, and consider your options. Personally I like using Dynamo player for execution after the graph is completed and bindings are removed.
I think you are spot on. I watched John Pierson’s vid and that helped me understand. I have added the ToggleElementBinder node and it works now. Still blowing my tiny mind though. Thanks