I am fairly new to Revit and new to Dynamo. I have found some videos on creating duplicates as dependents and adding scope boxes to them as well as a video on how to rename your duplicates with detailing. When I run it now I get my renamed duplicates with detailing, but how do I merge my commands to add the scope boxes to the new duplicated with detailing views?
I tried uploading the file, but it says new users can’t upload.
Hello, welcome to the forums!
If you are new to Dynamo, please take the time to run through the Dynamo Primer. Some of the topics may not be immediately useful to you, but each section has a purpose and developing a baseline will save you time and stress in the long run.
When you run the Duplicate nodes, they will provide a list output of the elements they have created (the views)
You can actually feed this list into Element.SetParameterByName to then change the scope boxes for those newly created views. Just remember to have one scope box per dependent view prepared so that the list sizes are equal.
What do you mean by ‘change the scope boxes’? My end goal will be that it creates the new dependent views with the new names (floor plan, finish plan, etc), then under each of those creating duplicate as dependents views which are my 3 scope boxes (area 1, area 2, area 3).
What do you mean by ‘change the scope boxes’?
The duplicatebydependent / duplicatebydetailing nodes in your sketch function like the equivalent Revit commands, the new plans inherit things like View Template and Scope Box. You have to plug in the ‘correct’ scope boxes after the dependent views are made.
Just to make sure we are on the same page, is this your general plan:
- For each level, make floor/finish/etc. plans.
- For each plan type (floor/finish/etc), make X number of dependent views, where X are your areas defined by scope boxes
- Fix all naming and scope boxes so that they make sense
Yes, your summation is correct.
Floor plan (master)
–>Finish plan (duplicate with detailing)
------>Finish Plan - Area 1 (duplicate as dependent)
------>Finish Plan - Area 2 (duplicate as dependent)
------>Finish Plan - Area 3 (duplicate as dependent)
In this screenshot I have created each type of floor plan and given it a name:
Then the screenshot from my last post shows the string that is creating the scope parameter for each view
I guess I’m still not following what commands to string together to create the Scope Box, duplicate as dependent views under each of the floor plan types.
After creating the tree above it occured to me…Do I need to create the dependent view from the master still? I think i was thinking I would create the dependent view from the detail duplicate. Although if I did that i don’t think it would have the ‘name i gave it’
You are doing fine up until the Duplicate with Detailing node. I would recommend doing the scope box last, because you still haven’t made the dependent views.
You already know that DuplicateAsDependent exists from your original post, it takes views and names as input. The Duplicate with Detailing node is outputting a list of views (great). Now you need the names.
This is where I would recommend taking a break to read the Primer, specifically for this you’d be reviewing list management (lacing and levels).
In this example there is a Cross Product lace to build a list tree of view names (ABC types, 123 dependents, you get A1,A2,A3,B1…and so on)
You then use list levels so that DuplicateAsDependent knows to take A type and make 123 dependents, then B type with 123 dependents, and so on.
I am going to leave it as an exercise to you to take your Scope Boxes and try to figure out an appropriate list method to Element.SetParameterByName the Floor Plans with the Scope Boxes. Your hint is that this is the method to set a single scope box to a single view, and that you can use this node with lists instead of single inputs:
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Thank you so much for helping! Reading the primer was definitely on my To-Do list, so I’ll tackle that while I’m working through this info and get back to you!
Overall I am pretty stoked at what it looks like Dynamo can do. We are a small firm that is finally making the switch to Revit from Archicad. So I’m excited to share this with my team.
So I was able to figure it out the scope portion by going back to the tutorial video I first was referencing. And to be completely honest I’m not entirely following how it is working, but it is.
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For the 2 duplicate nodes I ended up having to create a copy of the ‘adding areas’ group. Because through trial and error (after reading about lacing in primer and how each one works) and found out one needed to be longest and one needed to be cross-lace.
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I am hoping you can give me some more tips and hints. I have expanded on this same file to incorporate adding the sheets and then placing the views on the sheets. I have gotten to where I have added the sheets and at one point I was able to get 1 view on the first sheet.
I keep running into this error though.
Here is an image of my properties panel.
The other items on my list to do are to separate the sheets by folders and to give them a different numbering system. Right now the 101,102, etc, was to just test the program. This is more of what I’m going for.
I have attached my dynamo file since I’m no longer a ‘new user’. Hopefully, I’m not trying to do too much in one program.
Duplicate with Detailing, dependent, and sheet creation in Dynamo.dyn (84.0 KB)
I’ve started down a different route for getting the sheet names. I am linking an Excel file to feed the names and numbers. I thought this would be easier for people to edit since each project is not always the same. I’ve plugged this into another thread that deals with creating sheet folders, but ideally I would create
Master: Sheets
–sub folder → G1 General Information
----sheets-> G101, G102, etc.
Here is a screenshot where I bring in all the sheets via excel tabs. I then split up the tabs so I could associated each group with a different sheet folder. I am to the parameter where you associate them with the sub folder but I’m stuck here.
My thought is that if I can get this sorted out I could combine this string with the string where you helped me create the views
I was starting down the path of your third option this morning. My thought was that I worked with you to get the views. I could now create another string to just get the sheets. That way I at least have all the info and for the time-being I can drag over the views.
I was able to get the sheets into revit pretty easily. I was running into the issue of not being able to figure out how to create the sub-folders for each group of sheets I have. Floor plans, Roof plans, Elev., etc.
I found this thread that goes over this issue exactly and they state to use the ‘setparameterbyname’ and they say where to place it. I can’t figure out where it is to go in the string of commands.
You have the location correct: immediately after the Sheet output (sheets are created, then sheet parameter is modified). You just need to successfully batch create the sheets before you can verify this step.
You do need to create the project parameter, I don’t believe Sheet Category/Folder is built-in, and then after all that you need to update your Browser Organization to utilize that parameter. Ideally the browser organization and parameter are integrated into a startup template.