Duplicate Views 1st time - Renaming after that

Hi all,
I have created a script to duplicate views, add prefix and apply a view template. It work for the first time, if I want to duplicate the view again it will just override the first duplicated view. If I want to duplicate more views I have to close dynamo and run the script again.

Is there a way to make it work without having to close and open dynamo again?

try to use the “Force Run” from Data Shape


For repeated production use I recommend you utilize Dynamo Player instead; there are no element bindings in that environment so things will run quicker.

You can ensure content avoids cross-session element binding via function passing.

You can ensure content avoids in-session element binding by this bit of Python:

import clr #add the common language runtime (clr) so we can access .net libraries in the Python environment
clr.AddReference("RevitNodes") #add the Revit Nodes dynamo tools to the CLR
import Revit #import the Revit namespace
clr.ImportExtensions(Revit.Elements) #add the RevitElements extention to the CLR
clr.AddReference("RevitServices") #add the RevitServices namespace to the CLR
import RevitServices #import the Revit services namespace to the Python environment
from RevitServices.Persistence import DocumentManager #import the document manager class to the Python environment
from RevitServices.Transactions import TransactionManager #import the transaction manager class to the Python environment
clr.AddReference("RevitAPI") #add the Revit API to the CLR
import Autodesk #import the autodesk namespace to the Python environment
from Autodesk.Revit.DB import Document, ElementId, ElementTransformUtils, XYZ #import the necessary classes of the Revit API
from System.Collections.Generic import List as cList #import the .net List class as cList

doc = DocumentManager.Instance.CurrentDBDocument #get the active document

repressBindings = IN[1] #an input from the Dynamo environment to repress bindings or not
net = []
elems = IN[0]
if elems == None: #if the content if IN[0] from the Dynamo namespace is null
	OUT = None #return nothing

else: #otherwise 
	if repressBindings: #if repress bindings is true
		elems = UnwrapElement(elems) #convert the elements from Dynamo elements to native Revit elements
		elemIds = [e.Id for e in elems] #get the element ids
		elemIdList = cList[ElementId](elemIds) #convert the element ids to a .net list
		TransactionManager.Instance.EnsureInTransaction(doc) #start a transaction 
		copies = ElementTransformUtils.CopyElements(doc,elemIdList,XYZ(0,0,0)) #copy the existing elements by a 0 length vetor
		deletion = [doc.Delete(i) for i in elemIdList] #delete the elements provided by Dynamo
		newElems = [doc.GetElement(i) for i in copies] #get the newly copied elements from their element ID and repress in-session binding 
		results = [i.ToDSType(True) for i in newElems]
		TransactionManager.Instance.TransactionTaskDone() #end the transaction 
		OUT = results #set the output to the list of elements with no bindings
	else:  #otherwise
		OUT = elems #return the lsit of elements

@jmark I have data-shapes installed but couldn’t find the “Force Run” node.

@jacob.small even on Dynamo Player I get the same issue, have to close and open again to duplicate more views with different suffix/prefix

it’s not a node, it’s a drop down from menu

You may have existing bindings in the file. See here:

Also, I edited the previous post as I decided to include some ‘repress bindings’ python for reference.

Sorry, I’m quite new on dynamo I think I create a python node right, but where it should be connected?
Could you give a help with that?

Put it between the duplicated view node and the apply view template node.

You’ll need two inputs, one for the binding suppression boolean and one for the list of elements (in your case views).

using dynamo player it worked!! thanks :slight_smile: