Duplicate view by set cut plane interval

Hi I’m a beginner in Dynamo. I’m trying to create a script that will duplicate a plan view and set the cut plane by 250mm interval and rename by adding a suffix of the set number. Basically slicing a topography plan at 250mm interval. Attached is what I’ve started, it works but I’m stuck on how to make it repeat until it reaches 16000mm. Also when you run it twice, it just overrides the duplicated view with the new number TOPO PLAN250, TOPO PLAN500, etc. until TOPO PLAN 16000

Instead of feeding in a value of 250, give it a list of values.

If you use a code block you can use the syntax below in a code block.


Which is your case would be


This gives you your numerical values, you can then use another codeblock with

" " + num

to convert the numbers to strings and add the space, giving you 2 lists as your inputs instead of 2 individual values.

Thank you @Hamish I just had the time today to try your suggestion. And it worked!