Hello Everyone,
I am trying to create dynamo script to duplicate multiple view. but I’m getting struck…
Requested to all expert to help me on this please.
Thank You!
Hello Everyone,
I am trying to create dynamo script to duplicate multiple view. but I’m getting struck…
Requested to all expert to help me on this please.
Thank You!
Can you try your cleaning your code blocks (pay attention to white spaces)?
Hi Marcel,
Thank you for your quick reply.
I had try ,but still getting error.
What does the error say?
Change your order of operations, you are making the views all named level1 first. Then you rename them.
Figure out your names first, then feed the duplicate Node.
Hi jaafer,
I am trying to create dynamo script to duplicate multiple view. but I’m getting struck .
Glad to talk to you again
make sure that your Revit model has the view name level1 (pay attention to your dynamo script because I see that you typed (level 1) with space at the beginning so if the Revit view name does not contain that space in the beginning, it would not work )
If that did not help you solve the problem, then I need to look at your .dyn file
@ratnamala.gawas please refrain from duplicating posts and content in multiple threads. I have moved the content related to this from the other topic into this one to ensure people aren’t sending you in multiple conflicting directions.
I did not find the get all views node package so i created my own filter
just lets say your problem is not with this node.
make sure you would not create any dublicate view names becuse if you would revit would stop you from doing that and see my node result try to find where is the diffrence from yours
I hope this could solve your problem
Hi jaafer,
Thank a lot, now it’s working.
Hi jaafer,
Now i want to create duplicate multiple number of view,
in script it’s showing completed but it’s not create in revit file.
Can you help me in this
make a list of the new names of the views insted of one view name, if nothing happened write click on View.Dublicate Node and change the lacing type to longest