Duplicate schedule with rename

Hi All,

I am trying to duplicate with Dynamo but i am stuck with my script.
Wish anyone advise my issue
I also want to change filter for the new “duplicated” schedule
thanks everyone

Schedule duplicate.dyn (23.0 KB)

You’re duplicating names (strings), not schedules (elements). Try using the same bool mask, but use All Elements of Category as the input to List.FilterByBoolMask.

Hi try some of these nodes here for duplicate views

hi mate,

thanks you for your respond, highly appreciate.
Looks make sense your advise but the result still not working mate

Hi mate,

thank you for the advise
is it Archi-lab nodes right?
I have install it but not shown on my Add-ons even can’t find it the nodes.

Yeah be sure you install the right version that package is version specific

or just use OOTB and set name after…with set name from clockwork or just ootb set parameter “View Name”;

Hm what underneath Schedule is ViewSchedule so it is still a View you are about to duplicate, not ElementType. If you are into accomplishing this without using any packages, you can look into this: ViewSchedule Class