I want to create a duct along the corridor shown in the image.
Can anyone help with the logic to achieve it?
I want to create a duct along the corridor shown in the image.
What have you tried so far? If you’re lost then I recommend you look into stuff like voronoi diagrams, skeletons, and the like.
Haven’t tried anything yet. Thinking about getting the room boundaries and developing something using them. Is it possible to guide me to any resources mentioned in your comment.
I don’t have anything handy unfortunately. There are several topics about this on the forum already though.
Okay. Thanks. Will check previous similar posts.
Hi @jobinsunny99 probably a way with isolines could work in some cases…maybe
Thanks. Will look into this also.
This won’t quite get you what you’re after (the straight line skeleton), but if you tesselate the room’s geometry into a series of triangles, you can leverage the mid point of each triangle edge to create some somewhat useful paths.
I don’t have this Python handy, but it can be typed up from the animation.
Optimize a path / straighten a path - DesignScript - Dynamo (dynamobim.com)
Above post is similar to what I am trying to achieve.
Can you help me to generate isoline as desired?. I know that error is because of the way in which the surface is created. I want the code to work even if there is no parallel lines. @jacob.small @sovitek
You’d need to filter out the two liens at the end of the corridor, build two polycurves (one for the right side of the hallway and one for the left) and then generate your surface by lofting between the two polycurves. This isn’t easy to do at scale computationally (how do you always identify the left and right side? and won’t fit all situations (i.e. the datasets in my animation above).
What you want is a means of building a straight line skeleton for a surface; but that is a many day task which I can’t undertake right now.
Got it.