Dividing poly curve in unequal length

Hello everyone,

The attached script down below is basically used to divide any polycurve into equal parts as per the equation written. My question is can we divide the polycurve in such a way in which segment length is defined by us (such as first one 3m, second one 4m third one 10m and so on).

Originally I want to divide the polycurve in unequal different segment and then wan to find out the angle which point create with true north.

Any Idea on the same will be appreciated.

Thank you

To divide you need to pass a list of your measurements instead of a sequence.
Not sure i understand the measuring from the north though.Do you want to measure the angle from the north to the segment the point is hosted on?

Hey @Daniel_Hurtubise

Thank for such a quick reply.

Can you please explain a bit more on passing a list? moreover can we pass a excel file through the same?

Regarding the angle, yes you got it right I want to measure the angle from the north to the segment point.

Well in this way we can do the same
Screenshot (6)

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