Divide a solid into a grid/give height to polylines to create surfaces or planes. / ソリッドを格子状に分割する/ポリラインに高さを与えてサーフェスかplaneを作る。


I would like to divide a single solid into a fine grid.

I have the polylines for the lattice, and I would like to extrude them along the z-axis to create a surface or plane, but I am not sure how to do this.

I am wondering if I can use either Geometry.split or Solid.SliceByPlanes to divide the solid.

If you have any good ideas, could you please let me know?

The original purpose is to divide one area (hatch) on the plane into a grid and find the area of each.
I figured I could create a solid from the boundaries of the hatch and then divide it to find the area.
Any advice on these would be appreciated.


Hello @shirai-a i have translated your headline into english as is the forums official language…

I didn’t notice the mistake. Thank you for your kindness!

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I will give it a try. Thank you.

When I use 「geometry.Split」 and input 「Surfaces created from grids」 and 「The solid before division」,
the solid is not divided into a grid.
What should I do?

Please can you provide a screen grab.

Images are much easier to understand. :slight_smile:

Best guess is the surfaces are not arranged in such a way as to completely slice the solid. You’ll usually want planes for this.

Here’s an example.

I want to find the area of the blue hatched part for each grid.

To do this, I thought about making the hatched area a surface or solid, and slicing the grid with a surface stretched along the Z axis.

But for one solid, I just get two solids cut by a surface, how can I make each solid or surface separate by a grid?

  1. Make the blue thing a surface, not a solid.
  2. Pull all grids to the same plane as the surface.
  3. Group the grids by vertical or horizontal direction.
  4. Take all grids and extrude on the normal of the surface by 10.
  5. Convert the groups of extruded surfaces into polysurfaces - one for vertical and one for horizontal.
  6. Translate both of the polysurfaces by -5 on the normal of the surface.
  7. Split the surface with the first polysurface. The result will be a list of surfaces.
  8. Split the list of surfaces by the second polysurface. The result will be a list of lists of surfaces.
  9. Flatten the list of lists of surfaces - each is the surface area in a quadrant of the grid.
  10. If desired, sort each of the quadrant surfaces by X value of their bounding box’s min point, and then by the Y value of their bounding box’s min point. You can also group and then sort and sort, manipulating the order as desired to get whatever sequence you are after.
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Thank you. I think it might work. I’ll try it later!