Distinguish shared and system parameters inside dynamo

I am on a project that was started in a non-localized Revit version. To cope with the project requirements some shared parameters were introduced that are exact copies of what the Revit translators have come up with for ‘area’ or ‘perimeter’.
Inside Dynamo I have found no way to tell whether the GetParameterValueByName-node has picked up the system or the shared parameter.

Is there a (preferably out of the box) way?


I don’t think you can only use OOTB nodes.
For your information, system parameters can also be called with their Built In Parameter name.

You can use the Element Parameter Properties node from the Genius Loci package to obtain all the parameters of an element and filter the system parameters with the IsUserCreated or IsSharedParmeter outputs.

Thanks. I will stop looking now.

Autodesk’s Konrad.O did figure this one out - with vanilla Dynamo. Will even work in Dynamo 1.3