I am looking for a way to check the Distance between two elements, for example, the door to the window?
Try this.
thank you so much Ahmed… do you think i can place a dimension line between the elements ?
شكرا أحمد
@abdu2736 You may use the following to dimension to the door/window rather than a reference plane. Note that it does not account for non-orthagonal placements, and the families must have named centre reference planes. RUN IN MANUAL MODE.
Hi Ahmed,
I am not sure why to keep making one dimension, not seeing the different dimension:
EL1.0.dyn (89.3 KB)
Try to chop list of references then put the lacing to longest in the create of dimension node if auto does not work.
try to work on floor plan not 3d view to manage it to place the dimensions.
all good now! except that list [0] it works in weird way…
i guess "ReferencePlane.ByLine " acts weird !!
It’s because the line you created only draws it along the y axis, hence why all your dimensions are oriented along 1 direction. You will need to adjust the way the line is drawn to account for different orientations.
Let me know how it goes for you. I didn’t realize what your full intent was in the first post so it may be tweaked to better serve your needs. Happy to help troubleshoot.
I can send you you the files dyn, and rvt