Displaying the results of a coloring on a surface in revit

Hey guys, I colored my surfaced. The color of the UV´s depend on their location on the surface. The color range depends on the values that are stored in the sensors (spheres). The coloring on the surface works realy well. The surface ist one of the surface from a family that I import just to have surfaces in the model that i can color. The coloring of the sensors is no problem, because they only have a single color.
But now I want to get the coloring from Dynamo to Revit, but I can´t find a way to do this. I read many threads in this forum regarding the coloring of surfaces, but i can´t link the pieces together to make it work in my project.
I realy appreciate any kind of help with this problem.

If memory serves the node you seek is under Revit > Analysis > FaceAnalysisDisplay; it is definitely under Analysis though.

Read the tooltips closely on whichever of the nodes you select (I believe that there are two).

I tried this node, but I can´t get it to work properly.
For the samples I use the double values from the colors generated above. But when I run the script I get the error “Object reference is not set to an instance of an object”. But I don´t understand what this means.

Isn´t there some kind of way to transfer the colors of the surface in Dynamo directly into Revit? Because the surface ist already colored in the last node.
From my understanding I would have to completely renew the nodes if a direct transfer is not possible.

Typically this means one of your inputs is null.

I think you need to flatten the inputs, and provide a valid unit type.

Looks like null isn’t the issue. You might need to enable analytical view though. This post should help: Display component displacement - #5 by sovitek

Thank you so much for your help! This thread looks pretty close to what I try to achieve.

I read the thread and tried to make the node work. But none of my attempts were successfull. I tried to make a simple example to understand how the node ist working. But it seems that there is something I´m missing.
This is my example and when I run the script everything seems ok, but when I jump to Revit, there is just a range, but no colors in the range and the surface still isn´t colored.
Can yout tell me what I´m doing wrong?
example_face_analysis.dyn (28.8 KB)

We’d need an RVT file as well.

I made a example Revit-File, but I can´t upload a file with more than 8mb. I there a way to compress the data o 8mb or do I have to give you a link to a online source?
I tried zipping it, but that only reduced the size about 1,5mb

Zipping won’t help as .rvt is already a compressed format.

Remove everything you don’t need to reproduce the issue or run the graph (i.e. everything except one surface, all views, except for one new 3d view, and all materials) and purge unused until nothing more will purge (about 3x). Then use compact central when you save. If it still doesn’t work you can use a 3rd party service such as onedrive, dropbox, google drive, box, ACC, etc… Just be sure that it is open access with no log-in requried.

Ok so I tried to cut down the size by following these steps, but could only reduce about 2mb. So I uploaded the file in my NextCloud. I hope this works and you can use the file.
And thank you very much for being this considerate.

example_face_analysis.dyn (29.6 KB)

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