Did Microsoft change how it shows the date?

From yesterday unto today, one of my Dynamo scripts stopped working. When tracing back the problem, I found the name of the excel file I created (which it creates based on the current date) suddenly had a lot of extra stuff in there, including the time, which I all didn’t want.

Checking back, I noticed that the time and date didn’t split properly so the string for the name wasn’t properly being created. Looking at the code I noticed that it was trying to split the string created from the date by looking at the placement of “-”, but saw the date was now being split up with “/” as well as switching the day and month

Simply put:

I expected the date to be read like 23-11-2018 10:52:02 (as it did previously) but it ended being read as 11/23/2018 10:52:02 AM.

I’m not in a different version of Dynamo, but there was a windows update overnight.

It’s not an issue to change it to fit current way Dynamo reads it, but I can’t have it changing every now and then as other people are supposed to be able to use this without my help.

Anyone knows what might have happened?

Hi @PauLtus

It doesn’t matter what it shows you can always use any format by using Date.TimeFormat node:


Well, that’s exactly what I’m looking for!

Didn’t know that existed.

See this for reference:

To be honest that’s all a bit much for me to understand.

Thanks anyway.