Detail item place error


I’m trying to create dynamo script to set detail item on every wall in plan. Get out curves from walls and material name, im trying to place my prepared detail item. But in the end i have error and don’t know what to do.
There is screenshot in attachment to understand the logic.

Thank you!

Hi @daniils.klekers that node expect a linebased family, not sure you family is linebased

and be sure you have dynamoironpython package installed…

Thank you for your reply.

The last DynamoIronPython is installed.
To double check yourself i just created new DetailItem line based. Still have this problem

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I guees the latest is 2.5, is that curve from clockwork ? the latest there should be 2.6

if you want you could share the linebased detail family and we can test

CMB_[detail_items]_Apdares_darbu_linija.rfa (388 KB)

Sure it would be nice to check.

hmmm seems to work here so it isnst the family…and your clockwork is version 2.6 ?

Yes, Clockwork 2.6
IronPython 2.5

just tried on lines as in your example and its not work also.
So problem not in curves, not in family type
Not in view…
But why?

yeah all looks good…then im not sure…probably @jacob.small know something here :wink:

PS does it work if you open a new blank project and try ?

I’ll try
also noticed that i have clockwork error. Does it give any information about my problem?
I have already tried to reinstall, but it doesn’t help

Extract the contents of the detail component creation node and test them in your graph. The Python is almost certainly throwing an error but we can’t see it as it’s built in such a way as to prevent exposing the warning and just return null.

Focus on one wall in one view with one family type for now.

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probably you have a conflict with other packages…do you example have Bakery installed ?

Even with one line its not working for me.

Here is my Error notification

No, i don’t have Bakery

hmmm try dissable your addins [you can use diroots appmanager for that…remove all your packages to an other folder except clockwork, dynamoironpthon and try

even with your method i have null. Seems like i have problem with packages. Ill try to reinstall all packages…

You need to reveiw the warnings by extracting the contents of the custom node.

  1. Double click on the DetailComponent.ByCurve node to edit the custom node.
  2. Select everything (ctrl+a).
  3. Copy the selection (ctrl+c).
  4. Switch back to your graph.
  5. Paste in the contents.
  6. Wire your Line, FamilyType, and View inputs into the pasted content.
  7. Address the warnings which will be surfaced in the string of nodes.

Thank you!
It helps to understand that problem in curves.
I’ll try to solve it

But anyway something went wrong…