Hi all,
There is a custom node in “archi-lab” to select the unused schedules but it is with python script and unfortunately I can’t work with python so I want to change this from schedules to legend can anyone help thanks a lot.
Hi all,
There is a custom node in “archi-lab” to select the unused schedules but it is with python script and unfortunately I can’t work with python so I want to change this from schedules to legend can anyone help thanks a lot.
this packages works on Revit 2017??
can you send to me your script and thanks alot
There are only 5 nodes to place…
Delete non placed legend.dyn (5.1 KB)
I downloaded already the Genuis Loci Packages but it didn’t work I don’t know why
I’m using Revit 2017.2 and the Dynamo is 2.0
Your package is not up to date
The name of the node has changed slightly. Use the Collector of PlacedViews node instead.
thanks for the such a quick replay. Its deleting all Legend…actually I need to delete which is not placed in sheet.
There must be an error somewhere on your graph.
It’s just a subtraction between all the legends and legends placed on sheets.
Thanks a Lot…I got it.
I know this is an old post.
But I have just create a website to start sharing all dynamo scripts I am creating.
Not many up yet but purging unused legends that aren’t on sheets is one of them.
Also posted ones for purging out scope boxes and view templates that aren’t assigned to views.
And revisions that aren’t assigned to sheets.
(by no means am I a dynamo expert, just created this site to hopefully post scripts that can help others)
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