Delete layouts

Hello, I’m trying create script, which will be delete all layout excluding layout name the same as file name. How I can delete layout by dynamo from Civil 3d?

What have you tried so far?

When I tested on my own I could filter out the Layout except the one with the same name as file name byt couldn’t delete the rest.

Yes, thaks You. But I don’t know, how can I delete this layouts from files?

You can use python by ‘side loading’ the file as a Database and erasing the layout using the AutoCAD API. Use carefully as this will overwrite files - I have added a boolean to IN[2] specifically to try a dry run before committing. EDIT See updated code below as this was producing unhandled errors

import clr
import traceback
from pathlib import Path  # python 3.4+

from Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime import *
from Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices import *

from System.IO import FileShare

dwgdir = IN[0]
layouts = IN[1] if isinstance(IN[1], list) else [IN[1]]  # list of layouts to erase
delete_layouts = IN[2]  # True / False

files = list(map(str, Path(dwgdir).glob("*.dwg")))

output = []

for dwg in files:
    info = []
    with Database(False, True) as db:
        db.ReadDwgFile(dwg, FileShare.ReadWrite, False, "")
        with db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction() as t:
                layoutdict = t.GetObject(db.LayoutDictionaryId, OpenMode.ForRead)
                for layout in layoutdict.get_Keys():
                    if layout in layouts:
                        layout_to_erase = t.GetObject(layoutdict[layout], OpenMode.ForWrite)
                        if delete_layouts:
                        info.append(f"{layout} erased")
        if delete_layouts and len(info) > 1:  # Layout(s) erased
            db.SaveAs(dwg, DwgVersion.Current)
OUT = output

Thanks Mike.
I’m new to Python so this was a good example how to use it.

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I dont know how to use it?

Hi Piotr,
I was getting a lot of unhandled exceptions on my code leading to C3D crashing (this is a professional hazard when working with the AutoCAD API). Anyhow… I have updated the code as follows

import clr
import traceback
from pathlib import Path  # python 3.4+

from Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime import *
from Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices import *

from System.IO import FileShare

dwgdir = IN[0]
layouts = IN[1] if isinstance(IN[1], list) else [IN[1]]
delete_layouts = IN[2]  # True / False

files = list(map(str, Path(dwgdir).glob("*.dwg")))


output = []

currentdb = HostApplicationServices.WorkingDatabase

for dwg in files:
    info = []
    with Database(False, True) as db:
        db.ReadDwgFile(dwg, FileShare.ReadWrite, False, "")

        HostApplicationServices.WorkingDatabase = db
        layoutmanager = LayoutManager.Current


        for layout in layouts:
                if delete_layouts:
                info.append(f"{layout} erased")

        if delete_layouts and len(info) > 1:  # Layout(s) erased
            db.SaveAs(dwg, DwgVersion.Current)


HostApplicationServices.WorkingDatabase = currentdb

OUT = output

It’s based on a response by Gilles Chanteau who is unparalleled in their knowledge of the API
Inputs as follows:

  • IN[0] Path to directory with dwg files
  • IN[1] Layouts to delete
  • IN[2] Dry run (False) Do it! (True)

You could use a List.UniqueItems node on the flattened layout list to reduce iterations

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It works! Thanks, you are great!

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Unfortunately, script works only at test clean files. Scrip causes crash Civil 3d and damaged files. I tried on Civil 2022 and 2024 and many DWG. After use script DWG has 0KB.

Did you test Object.Delete node? you can remove a list of objects using it!

I tested that one but it didn’t work for layouts

I have it working on C3D 2022. Start by starting with a clean graph and testing, testing, testing.

Of my AutoCAD API scripts which do complicated actions some have taken hundreds of hours of testing, often crashing C3D and often trying different order of actions, using different methods etc.

You will have to dig into the API docs and persevere

I know it may not provide solace to you at the moment, however we are able to do large process runs on DWGs for issue where we swap blocks, delete layouts, change text, embed images, zoom views, add XData etc. Unfortunately I can’t share those scripts.