Hallo everyone ,
I want to import a dbf-file in Dynamo with the aim to creat attributes and fill them with values from the dbf-file. The dbf is an export file from the german software SIB-Bauwerke. Is it mainly used the manage the construction and maintainance of infrastructure buildings like bridges.
The dbf-file is in my opinion a whole desaster. I have no idea how to manage it properly. There are alot of unreadable symbols and the attributes and values are not sorted it the right way. Especially, because there are more attributes than values, due to the fact that not every attribute in SIB-Bauwerke is filled with information. The file (opend with a text editor) is shown in the image:
Now here are my questions:
(1) Which function or node would you recommend for reading dbf files like this?
(2) How can I delete “unreadable” values?
(3) How would you manage missing values?
I’m relatively new to dynamo. Would be nice if you explain the things in an easy way.