Data Sheets from Several Linked File

Hi there,

I have seen a few post about it but I haven´t still figure out if it is possible to get data from more than one Revit Link at once so I can create a sort of sheet transmittal.

Any suggestions?


Hi @manuel.monteroH2Y3P ,

Have you tried the list lacing of those docOrlink inputs to @l1/ @l2 and/or changed the lacing of the nodes themselves to longest?

Hi @Daan,

Thanks for replying, I have finally figured out using a bit of python and without the need of having all Revit Linked in my open project file.

I leave the code to get all the sheet from documents, just in case someone need.

import clr
from Autodesk.Revit.DB import *

Node input

docs = IN[0]

List to store elements of the “Sheets” category

sheet_elements =

Iterate through the documents and retrieve elements of the “Sheets” category

for doc in docs:
collector = FilteredElementCollector(doc)
elements = collector.OfCategory(BuiltInCategory.OST_Sheets).ToElements()

Node output

OUT = sheet_elements

Hi @manuel.monteroH2Y3P does that python node close the open document again ?

Hi @sovitek, I have used OpenDocumentFile and CloseDocument from Rhythm for that. I have also updated my post to include de python code

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