Cycling in/out of edit mode for a bunch of MIP families

The objects in the following videos were imported via IFC into Revit.

As you’ll see in the 1st video, if you select it the 1st time, no ‘shape handles’ are made available. If, however, you enter the ‘edit in place’ mode and then exit, you can see the shape handles are now made available.

In the 2nd video, entering in/out of edit mode also resets the foreground/background patterns to their correct assignment.

Anyone know of a script that would cycle through a bunch of MIP families and basically recreate these steps–that is, just enter and exit the edit mode of a MIP family?

A sample file with three or four families which behave like this (delete everything else and purge three or four times) would help others to help you with this.

Sure NP.

file: Dropbox - MIP reset.rvt - Simplify your life
video: Dropbox - 2022-03-15_23-27-39_Autodesk_Revit_2020.2_-_[MIP_reset.rvt_-_Section__Revit.mp4 - Simplify your life%5BMIP_reset.rvt-_Section__Revit.mp4?dl=0

here’s a file with multiple MIPs, as well.