Cut Geomtry

Hello Everyone. I would like to use CutGeometry node from Clockwork package. I want to cut all elements (from list 2 / below) from the respective element (list 1 / above). For e.g. Element (4237888) should cut all seven elemnts from list 2 (index 0). I am not sure how it works with levels. Can someone help? Thanking you in advance.

The list levels are shown at the bottom of the watch node or preview bubble for any list, starting at the lowest level (individual item) and working back to the top level of the list. In general, you want to supply the list level of the input that matches the mapping of how you want those lists to be handled by the node.

In your case, mapping Element 4237888 (List1[0]) to the sublist of the same index (List2[0]) would be the same as mapping List1 @L1 (because the element is aligned with List Level 1) to List2 @L2 (because the sublist is aligned with List Level 2).

Keep in mind, using list levels still requires that the node can handle the implied replication of the provided structures.