Customized Increment/Reduction Arrows on Integer Input


I assume the easiest way for this is to use the Integer Slider node but, is there a way to control the increment/reduction to get a fixed value?

In fact, Revit provides that when an Integer type parameter is created.


How could I approach to this in Dynamo?

Thanks in advance for your support.


You can limit with min and max and the step for the native slider

Otherwise you have the data-shape package which offers you the possibility of sending your terminals or not in your script


Hi, that Slider node could work but I cannot find it in my Dynamo version (the one in Revit 20).

It may me help to operate the Slider with a bit more of precision when sliding the thumb within a big range, and without having to manually write every single value.

Anyway, thanks for your reply.

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You can install via package

then after following the extracts from their blog for a good use (it is well done and detailed)


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Hi Christian, I’ve been playing around with those nodes and while on the one hand I’ve achieved more precision for my input, on the other hand I need to invoque the pop-up every time I want to modify the input value.


Also, even I set the Step to 1, the slide thumb moves 5 places when I click any left or right side

I wish something more interactive, because I need to increment and reduct the input values 1 by 1 and see how the script reacts to it, several times.

Thank you so much for your support.

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