Hi everyone,
I’m completely new to Dynamo and after 5 days of watching, learning online and banging my head into warnings and errors i was wondering if it is possible to make Dynamo create a 3D view of the Elements that have a certain Material:Keynote value in them. The 3D view should only contain the Elements with the given Material:Keynote.
Any help would be much appreciated.
Hi there,
If I were you, I would collect all the elements, would read the keynote parameter, would filter the unique items, count them, would create as many 3D views as different Keynotes values and then isolate/hide the elements by unique Keynote parameter.
That could be a first aproach.
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Hi Manel,
Thx for the respons. Pictures shows you how far i got. In the project are 6 walls all with the same material. So now i know the parameter ID but don’t really have a clue on how to proceed.
Hi there,
I would do sth like this:
Maybe it is a better/faster way to do it