Recieving an error regarding knot size, when attempting to convert curves extracted from solid geometry ( geometry recreated from double curved spline based loft in mass env.), into model curves or reference curves in the massing environment. Work around for this? Can nurbs curves be rebuilt within Dynamo?
these errors are usually very specific to geometry that is being analyzed. it will help everyone if you can share the surface that you are slicing. often times you can solve them by changing how it was modeled to begin with. please share the original file.
Ahhh, well in that case i would say please be more rigorous in how you model the original geometry. Like I have said here and in the original post the solution to this was to rebuild the curves to be proper degree 3 nurbs curves. That dynamo geometry library that they are using is the same as in inventor for example and its pretty strict about tangential end line connections. I don’t think that the Dynamo team has a say in how this gets handled. Last time i talked to them they didn’t have control over it.
The end goal of this exercise is to generate curve references (extracted from new geometry created in dynamo) to create Form.ByLoftCrossSections in .rfa environment. To my knowledge, this is the only method to create Revit native solids (mass forms), which can be properly subcategorized, AND which also does not substantially rely on python … and/or published nodes which maybe embed certain types of unwanted hidden metadata…
Basic work flow
(1) geometry selected from model. (2) iso curves extracted from surface. (3) new solids created. (4) plan profiles extracted from new solids
…even if this workflow was successful, the fact that it requires the creation of reference curves (84k in this instance) almost could not be more memory inefficient. A vector to curve reference, stitching based on curve degree info, would perhaps be ideal.