Curve.extendstart and Curve.extendend does not work with negative value in Revit 2024. I’d to delete -50 start and end of the curve. Anyone help me how to achieve to shorten with negative value.
Curve.TrimByParameters with parameters for the length at 50 units and 50 units before the end of the curve.
Thanks for your response @jacob.small ! Actually, as Rebar.shorten of rebar for dynamo package doesn’t work anymore, I tried to use curve.extendstart and curve.extendend. Although the curve extended with positive value and rebars also extended 50mm. But it doesn’t work with negative value if I want to shorten the rebar. I tried to use curve.trimbyparameter with 50 and values of curve output came out but when I tried to feed into Geometry.Explode, the warning come out. Geometry.Explode operation failed. Unable to convert asm_curve to BSplineCurve:API_Failed operation successful. Is there any step I should do? Thanks a lot for your support.
A parameter in this context is a value from 0 to 1. If you want to shorten the length by 50 units then you need to calculate the parameter value as 50/Length.
Segment lengths are not parameters - a parameter of 50 is 50 times the length of a curve, so you’re trimming the curve well after it’s ended.
You want something along the lines of this:
Thank you so much!
Thank you so much @jacob.small