Hello @GavinCrump ,
I guess I made a big mistake installing Revit 2025. I can’t use some of your nodes. Can we expect Crumple package for Revit 2025? If yes, can you roughly tell us when it will be released?
2025 has proven to be a difficult build for me to test due to netcore and various CP3 limitations.
Of all the non-Revit nodes, all should work except for the IronPython section which I will likely drop in the next release altogether.
Family nodes are proving hardest to test cross build. I hope to release a 2023-25 tested build by the end of this year.
Post 2025 Crumple will likely go into maintenance mode at best, or provided as is at worst. My time and software focus has taken me away from Dynamo these days - I generally build in pyRevit and more recently C#.
Thanks for the info…
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