Creating the most symmetrical layout based on a range of spans and quantities

Hi Again,
I went through some different scenarios and compared the results from your 2nd code block with the results from the Python script from @c.poupin and it seems that except 2 scenarios the Python scripts distributes the spans better than your second code block.

Thank you so much for the efforts you both made. I think you are so close to crack it and I do appreciate it if you could come up with a new solution.


Hi Again,
Thank you so much for sharing this, though I need to learn how to work with it, as @jacob.small mentioned I could see there is some limitations in this node.

I do appreciate your time and help once again.


Thank you for your input.


Hello @jacob.small
In fact in this case i don’t use a brute force permutation, I permute groups of sub-list (Most symmetrical number list group possible)
so I can have more than 12 items in the entry list

but if the number of sublist groups increases (number of items to swap) a solution it’s to use the node “Number Slider” instead of “Integer Slider”.

an example with 15 groups to be swapped (range 1 to 1e+13 for 1.307674368 E+12 max permutations )
before it seems to me that it was not possible we were limited to Int32

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