Creating Sheets For Hundreds of Views

Hey Everyone,

I am trying to create sheets (hundreds) with a specific set of views on each sheet. I have 225 3d views, 225 section views, and 225 floorplan views (actually just top-down section views) and I am searching for a way to put 1 of each of those types of views on each specific sheet. In the end, there should be 1 3d, 1 section, and 1 floor plan view all on a sheet together. I have been trying a few things but I cannot seem to find a way to pull 1 of each type of view individually to make a sheet, and I also have no idea how the titleBlockFamillySymbol input works.

Any help is appreciated.

So we have 4 lsit: 1 for list sheet, 1 for 3d view, 1 for section, 1 for floor view. just use method Viewport.Create() method and use function for in python.

ex: For i in 3dlist:

Viewport.Create(i,…) : need take 3 arguments

and continue with section and floor view. And you will get each view and input in each sheet.

I did something similar by separating the creation of the sheets from placing views on sheets;

Make sheets (Title block input needs to be the Family Type of the block you want to use);

Put views on sheets with X Y coordinates;

So you could make each sheet, then put the views on the sheet with 3 different coords.


Thanks for the help. Joseph, I used your script and everything works perfectly.

Joseph Peel, your awesome. Even I can use these scripts and can place views now on sheets where I want them!

Tnx alot!

Update: I converted my sheet numbers to strings within the python script. Sorry about the post. Been trying for a few weeks and the light bulb went one about 5 minutes after this post. :confused:


Hi Guys, I have tried several Python Script nodes for creating sheets, and I keep receiving the following error on the Viewsheet.Create line: Warning: IronPythonEvaluator.EvaluateIronPythonScript operation failed. Traceback (most recent call last): File β€œβ€, line 30, in AttributeError: β€˜int’ object has no attribute 'Id I have read about this error, but do not understand how x=Viewsheet.Create(y,z) is an integer? Do you know what is going wrong? Thanks, D

Thank you Joseph,

I am pretty new to dynamo. I am trying to use the second python script to put my existing views on existing sheets, But I am confused about the inputs of the script. What should I use for IN[0] and [1]. Now I am using the element IDs of the sheet and view as inputs but this is the warning I get:

Warning: IronPythonEvaluator.EvaluateIronPythonScript operation failed.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File β€œβ€, line 31, in
AttributeError: β€˜str’ object has no attribute β€˜Id’

Thanks A lot

Hi @bzolghadri

Could you please start a new thread this topic is very old. Thanks :slight_smile:

Sure. And Thanks for the heads up!

In[0] = Sheets
In[1] = Views

These need to be lists of the actual sheet and view elements. So if you have IDs use Get Element By ID and then feed the elements into the python node.

3 posts were split to a new topic: Place more than one view on each sheet