Creating sheets by name number titleblock does not recognize titleblock

Hi I am trying to create sheets using the Sheet.ByNameNumberTitleBlockAndViews node, but I am facing a weird problem. It does not recognize the Family Type from the Family Types node. I get an warning as shown in the image and it simply does not work. Please help! I rwad every single post about it, some people have the same problem. Dynamo

Is that family type really the one you want to use?

It is the one. Seams like dynamo is saving parameters from previous runs on different iterations of this scripts.View%20name%20error
As you can see there the views name do not match the code and the output does not match the preview.

I believe @MartinSpence’s question is because in the image you uploaded, it appears that you are inputting a family type called “Wall Panel Interior Top Ledge” which could either be some unusual Titleblock naming or it is not a title block family (which would explain your initial error)

This is normal behavior for Dynamo and can be avoided if you create your script to run via the Dynamo Player but there are other resolutions that can be found on the forum - I believe it is the same behavior described here


I am a little bit confused here. Why wouldn’t that be a Valid TitleBlockName?
That is a custom Family, is there any parameters I have to change in this custom Family?

@lucaspfmoreira No, the name of the titleblock family doesn’t matter; I just meant that Martin’s comment might have been trying to indicate you’d chosen the incorrect family type because its name does not sound as if it’d be a title block (wall panel sounds more like it would be a curtain panel family) Apologies for causing any confusion!

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No apologies needed, I appreciate your help. Still no luck, I am sure that this is the family I am working with. Don’t know why it is returning ‘Null’. The Dynamo player button is grayed out, so I cant try this one either.

Do you know of any way I could work around this? Basically I am selecting elements in my project and from this elements I want to create Separate views for each element and them sheets based in each view. I am getting the views but creating the sheets fail because the node can’t read the titleblock from the Family type node.

“Warning: Sheet.ByNameNumberTitleBlockAndViews operation failed.
The ElementId titleBlockTypeId does not correspond to a TitleBlock type.
Parameter name: titleBlockTypeId”

Any ideas would be highly appreciated!

Could you upload the title block family you are trying to use?

you can double check the category with Element.Category i think

I just created a sample script to duplicate what you are attempting. It would be best to open the Wall Panel Interior Top Ledge family that you selected with the Family Editor and make sure that it is set to be a Title Block family type.

I got the same error message you did when I tried to select a family type that was not a title block, but the node worked correctly when using a title block.

I hope this helps! - Nick

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Hi Nick, thanks for that. I was stuck, I just copied and paste this title block into a new one and saved with a different name. It worked! Thanks!

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