I was wondering if there is a way to create keynotes (legends) that were named based on the floor plans name then add the “Key Note Block” to the keynote and then place that keynote in a specific spot on the sheet that has that floor plan. I am brand new to using dynamo and took a class on it and thought that if dynamo was able to place things like keynote blocks and signature blocks on sheets that this could save the company I work for a lot of time setting up projects. Thanks for the help.
Ben, I don’t think this can be done with any current nodes in dynamo however the Revit API allows for the creation of Keynotes in the <span id=“nsrTitle”>ViewSchedule.CreateKeynoteLegend Method so in essence this is something that could be done either through a python node in dynamo or c#. </span>
Alright thank you for the quick reply. I’ll learn what I can about the python nodes in dynamo and try to figure it out.